
Guided TOUR of Images à lire exhibition

Hello everybody,

for all the people that missed the opening, you are invited to

the exhibition guided tour, June 2nd at 7.30 pm

with the two photographers F. Botta and T.Giuntini

On espère vous voir nombreux

Images à lire in Jussieu@France

Thank you very much, muchas gracias, grazie mille, merci beaucoup : more than 200 people attended the opening between 7 pm and 10 pm on Friday evening. The exhibition is open everyday between 9 am and 10 pm in Salon André Honnorat, 27 boulevard Jourdan, in front of RER B Cité Universitaire.

The blog is officially launched by pictures and textes will be available online from June 12 (closing of the exhibition). Don't hesitate to write for comments or suggestions.

Botta & Giuntini

The opening of the EXHIBITION and BLOG starting: Paris, 28.05, 18.00 GMT

Tommaso et Couvidat, Fabrizio avec Rina Mattotti...petites explications


Friends 2

Spanish fans

The legend

The opening of THE EXHIBITION in PARIS 28.05 18.00 GMT

Images à lire in Cadiz@Spain

by R. Berrocal



Images à lire sur


Fonds pour les initiatives étudiantes (FIE)

Exhibition Set up...deep in the night

Grande Zilli!
Manal..retour à l'école...

Chiara, Fabrizio and Philippe : we need your help!

Morning shadows

Exhibition Set up...a long evening

Ready? Let's go!

Hard times for Tommaso

Dario and Carlo...the beginning

Images à lire in Umea@Sweden

By Rui Climaco Pinto

Images à lire in Athens@Greece

by M.Chatzina